
WEB / UI / UX Design Dubai

You want innovative web / UI / UX design?
A woman showcasing web design on an iPad in Dubai.
A woman showcasing web design on an iPad in Dubai.
The presentation strength of a brand depends on how impressive its appearance is. As a modern web design agency from Dubai, we provide customized and high quality web / UI / UX design that impresses. Our focus is on making the best possible use of companies’ existing potential to successfully communicate their messages.
As an innovative agency, we offer contemporary web solutions for a wide range of requirements. Our service includes the holistic development of your authentic brand, the creation of user stories as well as appealing UI / UX design and the technical implementation of your website. With this approach, we accompany you step by step on the way to a successful digital brand.


Web / UI / UX Design

Our goal is to attract visitors to the website as customers. For this, we develop a UI / UX design solution, which includes a modern and efficient web strategy. This is based on user stories, profiles and market analyses to enable a target group-specific approach.

Web development

We deliver customized solutions tailored to different technical requirements and meeting the latest technical standards. Our expertise in building websites ranges from HTML, PHP and JS development to implementing frameworks such as Wordpress or Shopify.

Hosting & Support

Our service portfolio also includes hosting solutions that are reliable, high-performance and flexibly scalable. We ensure continuous monitoring as well as ongoing adjustment to ensure optimal performance. In the event of emergencies, we provide fast and efficient support to ensure that our customers' operations run smoothly at all times.




Nobody likes to wait. Especially not users when they first visit a website.

Even for large web projects, our loading time is less than 1 second.


Our websites are always designed to provide an engaging and effortless user experience.

Targeted, customized design and user-friendliness convince potential customers.


Our websites are based on a flexible web framework and can be easily extended at any time in the future.

We communicate clearly, are open to creative ideas and always strive for quick solutions.


Through content management, we make it possible to maintain content easily and independently.

This leaves room for the autonomous and unhindered development of the company's own brand.



How are our websites created?

Initial consultation

In a free initial consultation, we jointly identify new opportunities for the respective brand and show potential for a new web design. In doing so, we rely on a trusting and open relationship with our partners and maintain appreciative communication.


To stand out from other companies, one thing is of great advantage: an authentic and customized web strategy. We support you in this - whether B2B or B2C. In our web workshop we develop exactly the tools that are important to make a website special.


After defining the web strategy, we jointly create a clear schedule - with implementation sprints. In general, we rely on transparent communication and regular updates to execute processes quickly, easily and exactly according to plan. Ideally, only a few feedback loops are required.


Based on the previously defined requirements and the developed brand strategy, we develop a screen design. As a first preview of the future website, we provide pre-designed stylescapes with different visual elements to gather further inspiration. In this way, we get one step closer to the finished brand.


Subsequently, the technical implementation of the website takes place on the basis of the designed template. During implementation, we attach great importance to a uniform and user-friendly appearance. Programming, development and web design is a process with a lot of thinking and our team works with system and ingenuity to implement it.


Websites, as the face of a company, are constantly updated. At a time when technological innovation is part of everyday life, we are happy to offer ongoing support to help a brand grow sustainably. With a comprehensible guide, we enable independent maintenance and are always available for further questions and new projects.



60% do not recommend

Over 60% would not recommend a company to others if its website did not look good. (Source: socpub.com)

94% quality over design

94% decide on the quality of a website based on its design. (Source: webfx.com)

89% buy elsewhere

Over 89% of potential customers buy elsewhere if the first impression is bad (source: webfx.com).

40% jump off

If the web design is not convincing, more than 40% of users jump off immediately. (Source: review42.com)


Our customers

Strong brands that trust us.
Das Logo der ANDRITZ AG auf blauem Hintergrund.
Anton Paar-Logo auf einem Hintergrund.
App Radar-Logo mit grauem Hintergrund.
B-Zulassungslogo auf blauem Hintergrund.
Logo der Deutschen Bank auf einem Hintergrund.
Logo der Universität Fh Joanneum.
Firstbird-Logo auf blauem Hintergrund.
Kinderhotels-Logo auf einem Hintergrund.
Magna-Logo auf einem Hintergrund.
Das Logo der Medizinischen Universität Graz, einer medizinischen Universität in Graz.
Neuroth-Logo auf blauem Hintergrund.
Ein schwarz-weißes Logo mit dem Wort „ofi“, das Leistungen hervorhebt.
Das Sheraton-Logo auf blauem Hintergrund repräsentiert das Sheraton Hotel.
Ein schwarz-weißes Logo mit dem Wort „graz“, inspiriert von der Stadt Graz.
Thomas Lorenz ZT GmbH.

Customer feedback

Ein Mann im Blechinger-Anzug posiert für ein Foto.


The implementation of my company website went exactly according to plan and I am more than satisfied with the result. My expectations were definitely exceeded. Zeitgeist is my personal choice for a webdesign agency in Dubai.
Dr. Jörg Blechinger
CEO - Blechinger Supply Chain Solution
Logo, Dr. Blechinger
How to reach us



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